Dear Startup founder,

Under the concept of vicarious liability, you can be held liable for the action of your employee that causes damage to another person during the course of his employment in your establishment.

For example, if your employee hits someone in the course of trying to meet up with the delivery of a product, you are liable to pay damages to the victim.

To prevent this seemingly unfair situation from happening to you, ensure that you;

• Do not act without consideration for the effect of your action: e.g do not hire a se*ual predator to drive kids just because he said he has changed.

• Do not put your employees under undue stress to prevent the possibility of accidents.

• Carry out legal due diligence on all employees before hiring them.

Just so you know, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

May you not encounter a employee that will ruin your goodwill.

Make sure you like this post and share with others.

Happy Wednesday!