The fashion industry is fast growing and fashion designers don’t cease to amaze us by creating unique design pieces and sometimes setting a fashion trend through their designs.

Oh yeah, we can tell that there’s one question on the tip of your lips and we were just about to answer you.

The copyright in a dress typically belongs to the designer of that dress. And by designer we mean, the very first person to create that design.

And unless there’s an agreement transferring the rights or licensing another person to replicate that design, it’s a violation of intellectual property to copy another person’s design.

We have seen several hot takes on Nana Akua Addo’s dress at the recently held AMVCA10 and if there’s anything you should know, it’s the fact that hot takes do not change the position of the law.

It’s important to respect the intellectual property in the creative work of designers lest you expose yourself to avoidable lawsuits.

And as for fashion designers on our TL, don’t just dole out designs, patent it. That way you can be sure of maximum cash out when someone replicates your design without your permission.

Happy Tuesday.