Dear techie,

Are you a data analyst or do you collect data in any form?

You are on the right page, this post post is definitely for you!

In the realm of cyberspace, data breaches can have far-reaching implications, and it’s crucial to understand the legal requirements to adhere to.

Below are some steps you should take to comply with legal requirements to prevent data breaches.

✓ Follow Nigeria Data Protection Regulation guidelines meticulously.

✓ Obtain clear and explicit consent of users before processing personal data.

✓ Implement robust measures to secure and protect user information.

✓ Ensure data stays within Nigeria, in accordance with legal requirements.

✓ Promptly report any breaches to the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA).

✓ Appoint a Data Protection Officer as required by NDPR.

Data protection isn’t just ethical, it’s a legal necessity.

Take the bold step to protect your end users and prioritize their safety by complying with the above steps.